Preparing for a Career in Dental Hygiene

If you have always had an interest in a career in oral health and hygiene, but don’t want to be a dentist, you may want to consider becoming a dental hygienist. A dental hygienist works alongside the dentist and is responsible for many of the basic procedures when it comes to working with patients. To become a hygienist, you must go through a program that teaches you the proper methods used when working with oral hygiene.

Programs in dental hygiene are offered at many colleges both in a formal classroom and online. You can search for both online and courses offered on campus at The time spent taking classes depends on the type of certification or program you choose. For example, if you want to enter the job market quickly, you may want to seek a certificate rather than a degree. Keep in mind that a certificate is the lowest level you can attain, which may mean that you will be performing dental assistant work more often than dental hygienist work. However, the programs that provide you with this type of certification only take about four semesters to complete so you can get on the job quickly. You can also easily go back to school to complete the degree program of your choice.


If you choose dental hygiene programs that offer a degree upon completion, you will be in school much longer, but you will be fully certified to perform any and all duties of a dental hygienist. Most classes offered focus on oral anatomy and radiology. You will also need to take classes in community health, which focus on health care systems and your role in the system. You will learn how to provide care to patients of all ages with different health needs. Depending on the program you choose, you may also be required to take classes such as courses that focus on health care leadership, which can prepare you to hold a leadership role once you have been in the field for a period of time. All programs have a clinical section in which you go out to a dental office for hands-on experience. This experience in invaluable in preparing you for your chosen career.

You can locate dental hygienist schools by going to mydentalhygienistschools. Here you can perform a search on schools by zip code, and then further filter your search by program and degree. If you prefer online classes, you can select the online option, or you can select the campus option to take classes at a college campus. not only provides a comprehensive listing of schools specializing in dental hygienist programs, but there is also a link to each school so you can request free information.

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